Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle; What Happens Before You Lose Hair

Having an understanding of the hair growth cycle is essential in comprehending exactly what happens before Hair Loss occurs. The hair growth cycle has four phases:

Anagen (Growth Phase):

  • This is the active growth phase of hair, lasting anywhere between 2 and 7 years, depending on genetics, health, and other factors. At any given time 85-90% of your hair is in this phase. Hair typically grows around 1cm per month.

Catagen (Transition Phase):

  • This being the transitional phase is short in duration, typically lasting around 2 to 3 weeks. During this time hair growth stops and the follicle shrinks. At this stage hair is preparing to detach from the blood supply.

Telogen (Resting Phase):

  • During this phase the hair follicle is dormant which lasts around 3 months, no active growth occurs during this phase. Roughly 10-15% of your head is in this phase. Hair is preparing to shed.
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